I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Sneeze That Started it All

Remember these?

You mix up the words to form a funny/interesting/risque sentence, hoping to someday become the next refrigerator Allen Ginsberg.  Today's Wall Street Journal has an article highlighting what happened to several one hit wonder entrepreneurs after their short and steep trips to success and the creator of the poetic magnets is one of them (along with the creators of the pet rock, silly bandz and cabbage patch kids).

While the article is interesting for its primary topic, what I really enjoyed reading was how the creator of the magnets stumbled upon his idea.  An aspiring musician was tired of his allergies (and the constant sneezes) wreaking havoc on his song writing style of cutting up a diary and rearranging the words.  So he pasted the pieces of paper on to some magnets and used a cookie sheet to keep them all in place.  One night soon thereafter, he had some friends over for a party and needed the cookie sheet for baking.  He put all of the magnets and, more importantly, the words onto the fridge and quickly noticed that his friends had more fun rearranging the sentances than anything else at his party.  While this could easily be insight into his party throwing ability, it's more of a sign of how often very successful products and businesses are simply discovered by accident.  You truly never know when you're on to something until you give it a try or it kicks you square in the teeth; either way, it's up to you to run with it.

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