I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Teddy Roosevelt - Bull Moose

No idea how this is possible, but this photo of TR riding a swimming moose ran in Life Magazine and has not been doctored.  This will be on my wall some day.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hudson Bay Blanket Chair

Saw this bad boy as part of a pair going for $1,400 at the Pop Up Flea.  Love it, but think it could be done rather easily on your own provided you know someone who can upholster (thanks in advance Mom).

Hudson Bay Point blankets were first traded with Indians in exchange for beaver pelts in British North America (aka Canada) during the 18th century. Indians prized them because they were easier to sew than bison or deer skins and for their ability to hold heat (even when wet).  The blankets can still be purchased today, but cost a bit more than a couple of beaver pelts at this point in time.  4 point blankets start at $259.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Children's Drawings as Paintings

I can't explain it any better than the artist...enjoy



For my 30th birthday this fall, my wife took me to the West Branch Resort in Hancock, New York.  Despite being under 2 hours from the city, the Catskills based lodge on the West Branch of the Delaware River and has some of the best trout fishing found in the nation.  All of the monster brown trout are native, there's no stocking of any fish on the river, and many 30+ inchers are caught annually.

While I didn't land any that large, the below photo was one of several 20+ inch browns hooked over the course of my two days floating the West Branch.

Not much better than dropping the drift boat off at the front door of your cabin and walking right into the kitchen to crack a beer only seconds later.  A quick drive down Rt. 17 to Bluestone Grill in "downtown" Hancock provides arguably one of the best burgers I've ever had served with a side of handcrafted, cheese filled tater tots.  Year 31 is going to have a tough time following that one up.